All is not well in La Coax manor
we are sick. the whole lot of us. there is coughing, sneezing, snotting, and continual hacking. fevers are high and the motrin/dimetapp cocktail bar stays open all night. i tried to go to bed last night and found a makeshift village of blankets and pillows scattered across the room, full of sniffling trip hazards. of course, jen, in true Mother Teresa form, goes from one sick kid to the next administering medicine, wiping noses, and keeping trashcans in close proximity to potential hurlers. ah, the joys of parenthood.. pass the lysol.
i don't know why my flippin' COMMENT OPTION is not working. could have something to do with me going in and messing with my blog settings before reading what they are supposed to do. i'm trying to fix it. there are a few things that i can't do with the blog that were quite simple when mailing letters back and forth. sharing fingernails would be one, including commentary by Mojo would be another... now that i think about it, Christel, didn't you send me greasy food in an envelope once? flakes of makeup or wait, you didn't send me one of those spidery-looking fake eyelashes did you!? and what ever happened to your best friend, RC (rose)? didn't she become an ax murderer or something?
and darren, come on. Costa friggin' Rica!? i take jen to a yardsale in hohenwald and you're zip-lining through the jungle, laughing it up with a private chef..... hopefully, your pool monkeys won't poop in your infinity pool. (subtle sarcasm implied) no, really, i hope you have a great time. really.. :(
unfortunetly, i think i'm coming out of my dimetapp indused haze. i'll check in later. time for another shot-
i don't know why my flippin' COMMENT OPTION is not working. could have something to do with me going in and messing with my blog settings before reading what they are supposed to do. i'm trying to fix it. there are a few things that i can't do with the blog that were quite simple when mailing letters back and forth. sharing fingernails would be one, including commentary by Mojo would be another... now that i think about it, Christel, didn't you send me greasy food in an envelope once? flakes of makeup or wait, you didn't send me one of those spidery-looking fake eyelashes did you!? and what ever happened to your best friend, RC (rose)? didn't she become an ax murderer or something?
and darren, come on. Costa friggin' Rica!? i take jen to a yardsale in hohenwald and you're zip-lining through the jungle, laughing it up with a private chef..... hopefully, your pool monkeys won't poop in your infinity pool. (subtle sarcasm implied) no, really, i hope you have a great time. really.. :(
unfortunetly, i think i'm coming out of my dimetapp indused haze. i'll check in later. time for another shot-
First of all, YOU sent me toenail clippings. I don't recall sending you anything gross or fried or spidery (our snail mail was during my pre-diva days). I had to think a bit on the RC thing. Let's just say that by the time I had Abri, Rose had 3 or 4 of her own, all with different last names. I haven't heard anything since then (about 15 years), but maybe she became an axe murderess. That many kids would do it to me. OOPS! Watch out little Lacoaxes, be careful what "medicine" mommy or daddy is giving you for your colds.
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