La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


well, for the most part, the plague has past. besides the occasional coughing fit, jen and the kids are feeling much better and my headaches are gone; but am having reoccurring hot flashes...(manopause?)

it's really starting to feel like fall here. the leaves have started to change colors and the mornings are cooler. i'm on the road most of the day and am literally watching the season change around me. it's good to be back, especially this time of year. virginia was nice, (the ocean and fresh seafood was great) and florida was, well, we hated florida. not only is it hot and painfully humid, florida has the highest number of registered sex offenders running around. needless to say, the kids didn't play outside alone..
hopefully, we will stay put for awhile. having moved 12 (13?) times in 15 years is starting to get really old.

spoke with stormy a couple days ago, she sounded good (mentioned the blog and she agreed to play too). i'll try to hookup with isaac and adam soon. has anyone spoken to pam or jodi?

a new feature on this blog site allows exclusive posting and reading to members of a group. i guess it's like added protection from the weirdos out there. thankfully, we are all normal (as my left eye starts twitching). anyway, we may want to check it out.

realtor has had no luck with our house yet. she is hoping we'll have an opportunity to sell (or rent) it within the next couple weeks. (didn't she say that two weeks ago?..)

of course, Nacho Libre will be available this coming week. like the rest of you, i can't wait either!!
so, until then.. XoOx (beeg kees, leetle huug, beeg huug, leetle kees..) and "Chancho, i need to borrow some sweats..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Just wanted to let you know Aunt Niki is checking up on all of you

11/19/2006 2:08 PM  

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