La Coax

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

blizzard of '07

the snow has arrived. at long last, we finally have mounds of the white bliss. well, maybe not mounds. perhaps 'cups' would better describe our recent dismal flurry. all in all, we barely had enough regional snowfall for sissy&shae to scrape together a batch of snowcream. what is snowcream? quite simply, you mix milk, sugar and snow in a bowl and eat it. sounds simple enough, you may say. but actually this is a very precise and complicated science especially when you live in the country, where constant animal traffic can taint the most pleasant intentions. there are basically two rules when gathering snow for consumption (especially when snow collectors include a 3 yr old): number 1: steer away from the colored snow (it may be pretty; but can really foul up the whole nostalgic experience. number 2: chocolate is never an ingredient in snowcream. it just leaves too much room for mistaken identity. of course, the making and eating of snowcream is more of a childhood memory opportunity than it is a delectable dessert. i mean, you could safely get the same taste by scraping the frost from your freezer; but i don't think feeding your kids freezerburn would be recalled as a good childhood memory and would probably warrant a visit by aunt niki.

we were actually expecting a little more snow than what we got too. everyone was congregated at the wal-mart buying bread and beer in anticipation of being snowed in, and school was closed just in case. unfortunately, we didn't get enough accumulation to do much. our snowball fight was more like a snow pellet fight and the only possible sledding location was down the back porch steps where sarah had spilled some milk while feeding her cats. the photo shows a snowdrift on our porch chair.

so, pretending to be snowed in, we had to find something to do to occupy our time. the boys elected the mind-numbing xbox, jen curled up with one of those 'wife kills husband murder mystery' documentaries on tv (think she may enjoy those too much..), and sarah and i decided to make a cake. i searched the internet for good moist chocolate cake recipes and soon we had a hunk of homemade heaven. sissy and her gang came over and she and jen agreed it was a good cake; but then yelled at me for making cake while they were on a diet. (something about being thick and tired.)

well, according to our weathergirl, we are expecting more snow over the weekend. maybe up to a half inch of accumulation! school will be closed, salt trucks will be dispatched, and local beer sales will soar.

i think i'll try that banana cream pie recipe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would gladly give you ALL of our snow as long as you take the digit numbing, sinus freezing temps along with it.

2/15/2007 5:40 PM  
Blogger Christel said...

I second that one. We are finally managing to get above zero up north and have mounds (and mountains) of snow. Alas, school does not ever close, due to the fact that we know how to deal with snow and ice on our roads. Beer sales may be up, but it would be hard to determine in the fair state where my family resides. Our state has the reputation for having the most alcoholics in the nation. Up until a few years ago we also had the most obese people. I think Mississippi gets that title now. We still have the drunks and the cheese! On Wisconsin!

2/15/2007 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Christel you are correct. Mississippi has taken the lead on obesity. Looks like I'm doing my part to make sure we stay on top. I had to visit the doctor last week out of necessity in order to get an antibiotic Rx for the two month funk I've had. When she walked into the room she asked, "Jodi, where did you go?" Thinking she was upset with me that I was late for my annual exam I started throwing out all of my normal excuses of motherhood. She then said in her lovely Chinese voice, "No, I mean it been one year two months since I see you here... did you eat the whole time?" Needless to say, I have officially been put on a diet. Nothing like paying $97.00 for a reality check.
We did get snow here, for a day anyway. We were able to have one good snowball fight before it all melted away that afternoon. Of course I had to get inside anyway to make brownies. Definitely a family issue Lance. I will update our blog this weekend with pictures. Of the snow, not my fat butt.

2/16/2007 10:16 AM  

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