La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fun with Chuck

so when jeremiah told us he wanted to celebrate his 17th B'day at Chuck E Cheese, we were a little concerned. when he assured us his decision was totally unselfish and based solely on the fact that the "kids" would have a great time, well, we were still a little skeptical. nevertheless, we went to party with the "big rat". after reviewing the following pictures, i now feel really awful that i questioned jeremiah's selfless act. it is so obvious he did not enjoy himself in the least. what a total act of love and kindness to sacrifice his one special day for the pleasure of his little nieces and nephews.


this guy was like a fun sponge, soaking up all the good times. he was skipping from game to game tossing tokens and giggling like a schoolgirl at recess. i even tried to pry him out of one game pod (to give the children a chance to play); but my attempts were useless. nothing could stand in the way of this good-timing man. the only time he wasn't hogging the games, was when we found him chugging orange pop and dancing with the band. (nice robot moves, by the way)
luckily, i was then able to snap some pictures of the kids:

but for the most part, the kids got stuck watching their uncle have all the fun.

maybe next year, we'll hit the Sesame Street on Ice. i'm sure the "kids" would love it too..nudge, nudge, wink, wink..


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