La Coax
Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.
About Me
- Name: lance
- Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
the wedding shower
well, being the incarnation of servitude that i am, i humbly volunteered to heave most (if not all) the boxes and crates of party favors barefoot, through sharp gravels, to the awaiting vehicles. and, in my haste, while unloading these burly armloads of festive trinkets, some evil northern clap of wind slammed against the defective trunk of jodi's rental car, trapping the only key within its fortified bowel. basically, i locked the only key in the trunk and realized my small life was about to be snuffed out.
as i dragged myself back the house, i considered the severity of my predicament and began mentally flipping through a score of ways to divert the scorn and shame i knew awaited. Option #1: i could blame the whole thing on one of the kids. and then look shocked and disgusted as the befuddled youngster tried to plead his/her innocents. or, Option #2: i could solemnly announce that i had recently contracted Yuppie Disease, and then mention, as an afterthought, the less important missing key thing. (somehow i knew one of my cousins wouldn't buy this poor excuse due to personal past experience with this ego threatening illness). or, Option #3: i could call the rental car company and have them sneak another key to me before anyone suspected. But after 10 minutes on the phone, i concluded that these idiots (unlike myself) didn't have the ability to compensate for stupidity at a moments notice. so, with no better option, i was inclined to face the music.
first, i told aunt jeanie (who was arranging things in her van), she smiled and mumbled something optimistic; but i knew she was really just distancing herself from the hail of fiery indignation that was about to be unleashed upon my poor person. as i entered the house, the level of hustle had grown to a blur. kids were being thrown into shoes, last second decorations were being tossed together, and the final checklist was being run down (get my camera, don't forget the name tags, someone grab grandma, etc..).
i recall jodi's expression when i shared my news. she really didn't say anything for a second; but in that moments glance, her countenance said it all. "lance, i realize you regard yourself as some witty, funny guy; but given our current circumstances, it's probably not the best time to attempt humor. now go start my car." luckily for me, shae stepped in and saved my hind parts by producing some carjacking tools from his garage with which we were able to jimmy up one of the locks. the day was saved, we all somehow made it to the party with more than a few seconds to spare, and i managed my way back into the family's good graces. of course, with a wedding looming around the corner, chances are good that i will be given yet another shot to pad my metaphorical piggybank.... albeit, one nickel at a time.