La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Monday, October 13, 2008


autumn. living in the south, fall is synonymous with cooler evenings, vibrant landscapes, warm pumpkin pie, and the single biggest junk-yard-fest in the known world. this weekend, Octoberfest rode in to town like the band of overweight Harley riders that came to celebrate it. hwy 20 was literally littered with booths, tables, and sprawling yards full of just about any trinket of trash you could dare imagine.
yes, it is the one time of year when the town of hohenwald bands together to celebrate and exhibit our most notable accomplishment: the ability to amass an insurmountable heap of junk and then have audacity and savvy to sell it to each other. but who am i to revile, i found some pretty sweet deals digging through the heaps myself. no. i didnt stock up on tube socks, or $3 sunglasses. i didnt fall for the free funnel cake samples, nor was i tempted by the 2 ton log splitter that was marked down to $75 just for me.. i didnt even hoard up on the .50 VHS movies even though some were still in their original packaging (i.e Staying Alive from 1983)..nope, none of these 'must have' treasures even came close to denting my undaunted resolve and tunnel vision. i was on a mission. i was looking for American Girl books for my little baboon. and did i accomplish my feat, you may ask...
take a look at this sweet pic and decide for yourself..
oh yes, and for a mere .50 each...
maybe by next year sarah will be tired of them so i can set up a booth and pawn them off on the next gullible poor slob.


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