La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Friday, April 11, 2008


jen, jes, and becca (shae's sister) threw sissy a baby shower over the weekend. i suppose she got a lot of cool stuff; though i wouldn't know being that we boys were forced to sit hungrily on the porch until the festivities were over.

results of my colonoscopy: clean as a whistle (literally).. as a bonus, i was able to provide entertainment for the entire endoscopic floor with my 'smile, you're on colon camera' butt graffiti. they even invited a couple medical students to observe my procedure, as well as take some pictures for possible upcoming textbooks. (coming to a library near you, dear book snobs) just think, my colonic calligraphy will be the inspiration of future generations of gastroentologists..what a legacy.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

things that weigh 5 lbs

turns out, i lost 5 lbs after my 'experience', which brings me to a robust 192 lbs for my ending weight. i dont think 2.5% of my total body weight would be considered 'full of it'...

of course, after sharing my calculations with jen, she concluded that i was (and still am) very much full of it....

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

weight before MoviPrep: 197 lbs

for almost 2 decades now, my lovely wife has maintained that i am 'full of it'. so, tonight i shall put this claim to the test with a pre and post weigh-in to determine the total amount of 'it' in my system.
tuesday timeline
12:54 pm starting to get hungry. wondering what's the worst that would happen if i sneaked a hot pocket. (historically, hot pockets have accomplished the same goal as MoviPrep, so what's the harm)
1:14 pm settled for a bottled water. still hungry.
3:45 pm washed my hands twice just the smell the watermelon scented hand soap.
4:40 pm wrestling with a moral dilemma- would it be wrong to eat one of our children knowing that we could make a replacement?
5:15 pm mixing first batch of MoviPrep with warm water.
5:30 pm 8 oz, down the hatch
5:45 pm followed by 8 more oz.
so far, nothing.
6:00 pm drank 8 more oz. nothing is happening...beginning to think this is the worst April Fool's gag ever.
6:07 pm strange goings-on in the pit of my stomach..
8:15 pm i come up for air long enough to mix 32 more oz.
i have officially passed everything in my system. missing toys from my childhood, pocket change, old garage door remote. i think ive even passed meals i havent eaten yet..
9:32 pm at this point, i'm spouting like a leaky water hose. i'm considering repackaging this stuff and getting my 45 bucks back. (recycled MoviPrep.. that would explain why my batch tasted so bad)
here's the final tally:
Facility visits: 9
Times i almost gagged while drinking MoviPrep: 4
Jokes at my expense: 13 (that i actually heard)
by the way, happy anniversary gabe and jes--cheers (as i raise my empty MoviPrep bottle)