La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

3 days and counting

i read the colonoscopy prep instructions today and found that i am forbidden to eat red jello or drink fruit punch 24 hrs before 'the probe'..normally, i'll have a glass of punch about once every decade or two; but knowing that i'm now faced with a solid 24 hour block of my life without the possibility of the fruity nectar...well, i 've been guzzling down crystal lite like a champ. now jello, mind you, has never been much of a culinary temptation. i mean, what is jello anyway? well, it turns out that gelatin is the result of 'melting down' a bunch of horse hooves, bones, connective tissue, organs, and whatever else they couldnt cram into a hotdog. throw in a little red dye (which by the way, is derived from a parasite that lives in cacti) and you got yourself a fun, jiggly bowl of strawberry jello..and you thought bill cosby was your friend..


Blogger Wonder Erin said...

This is really disgusting. Who posts stuff like this on the internet for poor unsuspecting victims to read? i mean, i think there is such a point when a family becomes TOO close.

4/02/2008 10:07 AM  

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