Surplus of conspiring cats demand return of EarEar

it's ok, of course. we had a number of pet cats growing up. Ol' Yeller was one of my favorites. big, yellow, hardheaded tomcat. the stupid thing would literally butt heads with you. then there was Rahab, Jericho, Babyface and Buckwheat. i remember being 6 or 7 when, in an effort to save my pet cats from certain eternal damnation, i would line them up and preach to them. After service, i would treat them to helicopter their tails.
of course, i don't think i am the only cousin with a somewhat checkered past in regards to cat neglect. there was one cousin, in particular, whose name was only whispered in huddled cat circles."EarEar" is what they called her (looking over their shoulders in fear). mother cats would scare their restless kittens to sleep with threats of EarEar coming to get them. "go to sleep or EarEar will fling you out of your bed". or to persuade finicky kittens to eat their dinner, "eat your mouse, you ungrateful kitten, or EarEar will snatch you up and sling you right over her blonde ringlets."
oh yes, i witnessed many unsuspecting cats flung head-over-paws by their ears. and amidst the flying fur and hissing, you could hear the simple chant, "ear ear ear ear"...