La Coax

Dis-moi qui t'admire et je te dirai qui tu es.

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Location: deep south, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands

sometimes i'm the aspirin; but mostly i'm the headache.

Monday, March 31, 2008

so i made a calendaric error. my colonoscopy is on wednesday rather than the aforementioned tuesday. which gives me one more day to prepare for my intrusive engagement. i picked up my bowel motivator, MoviPrep, today and asked the pharmacist what flavors i had to choose from and she informed my that MoviPrep only comes naturally flavored: ok. now i'm scared. i rushed home and tore open the box. let's see: PEG-3350, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Asscorbate, and Asscorbic Acid..hmm. i'm beginning to dread which 'natural' flavor they are talking about? at least with GoLightly there was an attempt at flavor (even though it tasted like it had passed through a stale goat first). i flipped through the directions and really appreciated the pictorial instruction that was included, (really cleared the whole procedure up for me) though i doubt i will be smiling like the illustration. so, tomorrow's the big day... sissy, dont forget the scented candles.....


Blogger Shae and Sissy said...

I could be wrong, but I believe some of your spellings regarding the contents may be a bit off...not to fear though - the pictorial diagram makes this process a no-brainer. Maybe add a sickly lime green color to the smiley face, and you have it about right. It must feel good to get a load off...or should I say out??

4/01/2008 6:58 AM  
Blogger Shae and Sissy said...

Oh, and no bed wetting or crank yankers at my house...I don't have a waterproof pad on your bed...

4/01/2008 7:00 AM  
Blogger Wonder Erin said...

So what was the "natural" flavor?? Magically disgusting!

4/02/2008 10:08 AM  
Blogger Wonder Erin said...

i found this button you might like:

4/02/2008 11:49 AM  

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